发布时间:2020-07-07 16:46:09来源:阅读:
之前的一篇文章openresty(nginx lua)统计域名状态码、平均响应时间和流量实现了对域名状态码,平均响应时间和流量的统计。但之前的统计方法没有实现当某一域名404或500等状态码超过一定数量后发送具体的url来快速定位位置。这个功能我们其实是通过统计网站日志来实现了。为了摆脱对网站日志的依赖以及提高统计性能,我们尝试把此功能也用nginx lua来实现。具体的使用方法与之前的文章一样,这里只是更新了两个lua脚本。
1、获取域名www.centos.bz 404状态码数量
curl -s "localhost/domain_status?count=status&host=www.centos.bz&status=404"
10 688
2、获取当域名www.centos.bz 404状态码超过50个时,输出前10个url
curl -s "localhost/domain_status?count=statusUrl&host=www.centos.bz&status=404&exceed=50&output=10"
/hello-world 90
/centos 10
3、获取域名www.centos.bz upstream一分钟内平均耗时
curl -s "localhost/domain_status?count=upT&host=www.centos.bz"
0.02 452
4、获取当域名www.centos.bz upstream平均耗时超过0.5秒时,输出其url
curl -s "localhost/domain_status?count=upTUrl&host=www.centos.bz&exceed=0.5"
/hello.php 0.82 52
5、获取域名www.centos.bz request time平均耗时
curl -s "localhost/domain_status?count=reqT&host=www.centos.bz"
1.82 52
第一列为平均耗时,第二列为域名请求数。request time是指完成整个请求所需要的时间(包括把数据传输到用户浏览器的时间)。对于php请求,upstream time指的是nginx把php请求传给fastcgi到完成数据接收所需时间。所以request time永远大于upstream time。
curl -s "localhost/domain_status?count=flow&host=www.centos.bz"
1024 52
local access = ngx.shared.access local host = ngx.var.host or "unknow" local status = ngx.var.status local body_bytes_sent = ngx.var.body_bytes_sent local request_time = ngx.var.request_time local upstream_response_time = ngx.var.upstream_response_time or 0 local request_uri = ngx.var.request_uri or "/unknow" local timestamp = ngx.time() local expire_time = 70 local status_key = table.concat({host,"-",status,"-",timestamp}) local flow_key = table.concat({host,"-flow-",timestamp}) local req_time_key = table.concat({host,"-reqt-",timestamp}) local up_time_key = table.concat({host,"-upt-",timestamp}) local total_key = table.concat({host,"-total-",timestamp}) -- 域名总请求数 local n,e = access:incr(total_key,1) if not n then access:set(total_key, 1, expire_time) end -- 域名状态码请求数 local n,e = access:incr(status_key,1) if not n then access:set(status_key, 1, expire_time) end -- 域名流量 local n,e = access:incr(flow_key,body_bytes_sent) if not n then access:set(flow_key, body_bytes_sent, expire_time) end -- 域名请求耗时 local n,e = access:incr(req_time_key,request_time) if not n then access:set(req_time_key, request_time, expire_time) end -- 域名upstream耗时 local n,e = access:incr(up_time_key,upstream_response_time) if not n then access:set(up_time_key, upstream_response_time, expire_time) end -- 获取不带参数的uri local m, err = ngx.re.match(request_uri, "(.*?)?") local request_without_args = m and m[1] or request_uri -- 存储状态码大于400的url if tonumber(status) >= 400 then -- 拼接url,状态码,字节数等字段 local request_log_t = {} table.insert(request_log_t,host) table.insert(request_log_t,request_without_args) table.insert(request_log_t,status) local request_log = table.concat(request_log_t," ") -- 把拼接的字段储存在字典中 local log_key = table.concat({"status-",timestamp}) local request_log_dict = access:get(log_key) or "" if request_log_dict == "" then request_log_dict = request_log else request_log_dict = table.concat({request_log_dict," ",request_log}) end access:set(log_key, request_log_dict, expire_time) end -- 存储upstream time大于0.5的url if tonumber(upstream_response_time) > 0.5 then -- 拼接url,状态码,字节数等字段 local request_log_t = {} table.insert(request_log_t,host) table.insert(request_log_t,request_without_args) table.insert(request_log_t,upstream_response_time) local request_log = table.concat(request_log_t," ") -- 把拼接的字段储存在字典中 local log_key = table.concat({"upt-",timestamp}) local request_log_dict = access:get(log_key) or "" if request_log_dict == "" then request_log_dict = request_log else request_log_dict = table.concat({request_log_dict," ",request_log}) end access:set(log_key, request_log_dict, expire_time) end
-- 各参数用法: -- count=status,host=xxx.com,status=404 统计xxx.com域名一分钟内404状态码个数. -- count=statusUrl,host=xxx.com,status=404,exceed=50,output=30 当xxx.com域名404状态码一分钟内超过50个时,输出前30个url,否则返回空. -- count=upT,host=xxx.com 统计xxx.com域名一分钟内平均upsteam耗时 -- count=upTUrl,host=xxx.com,exceed=0.5 输出upstreamTime超过0.5秒的url,没有就返回空 -- count=reqT,host=xxx.com 统计xxx.com域名一分钟内平均请求耗时 -- count=flow,host=xxx.com 统计xxx.com域名一分钟内流量(单位字节/秒) -- 函数: 获取迭代器值 local get_field = function(iterator) local m,err = iterator if err then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "get_field iterator error: ", err) ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) end return m[0] end -- 函数: 按值排序table local getKeysSortedByValue = function (tbl, sortFunction) local keys = {} for key in pairs(tbl) do table.insert(keys, key) end table.sort(keys, function(a, b) return sortFunction(tbl[a], tbl[b]) end) return keys end -- 函数: 判断table是否存在某元素 local tbl_contain = function(table,element) for k in pairs(table) do if k == element then return true end end return false end local access = ngx.shared.access local now = ngx.time() local one_minute_ago = now - 60 -- 获取参数 local args = ngx.req.get_uri_args() local count_arg = args["count"] local host_arg = args["host"] local status_arg = args["status"] local exceed_arg = args["exceed"] local output_arg = args["output"] local count_t = {["status"]=0,["statusUrl"]=0,["upT"]=0,["upTUrl"]=0,["reqT"]=0,["flow"]=0} -- 检查参数是否满足 if not tbl_contain(count_t,count_arg) then ngx.print("count arg invalid.") ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) end if not host_arg then ngx.print("host arg not found.") ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) end if count_arg == "status" and not status_arg then ngx.print("status arg not found.") ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) end if count_arg == "statusUrl" and not (status_arg and exceed_arg and output_arg) then ngx.print("status or exceed or output arg not found.") ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) end if count_arg == "upTUrl" and not exceed_arg then ngx.print("exceed arg not found.") ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) end -- 检查参数是否合法 if status_arg and ngx.re.find(status_arg, "^[0-9]{3}$") == nil then ngx.print("status arg must be a valid httpd code.") ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) end if exceed_arg and ngx.re.find(exceed_arg, "^[0-9.]+$") == nil then ngx.print("exceed arg must be a number.") ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) end if output_arg and ngx.re.find(output_arg, "^[0-9]+$") == nil then ngx.print("output arg must be a number.") ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) end -- 开始统计 local url local status_code local upstream_time local status_total = 0 local host local req_total = 0 local flow_total = 0 local reqtime_total = 0 local upstream_total = 0 local status_url_t = {} local upstream_url_t = {} local upstream_url_count_t = {} local status_log local upt_log for second_num=one_minute_ago,now do local flow_key = table.concat({host_arg,"-flow-",second_num}) local req_time_key = table.concat({host_arg,"-reqt-",second_num}) local up_time_key = table.concat({host_arg,"-upt-",second_num}) local total_req_key = table.concat({host_arg,"-total-",second_num}) local log_key local log_line -- 合并状态码大于等于400的请求日志到变量status_log log_key = table.concat({"status-",second_num}) log_line = access:get(log_key) or "" if not (log_line == "") then status_log = table.concat({log_line," ",status_log}) end -- 合并upstream time大于0.5秒的请求日志到变量upt_log log_key = table.concat({"upt-",second_num}) log_line = access:get(log_key) or "" if not (log_line == "") then upt_log = table.concat({log_line," ",upt_log}) end -- 域名总请求数 local req_sum = access:get(total_req_key) or 0 req_total = req_total + req_sum if count_arg == "status" or count_arg == "statusUrl" then local status_key = table.concat({host_arg,"-",status_arg,"-",second_num}) local status_sum = access:get(status_key) or 0 status_total = status_total + status_sum end if count_arg == "flow" then local flow_sum = access:get(flow_key) or 0 flow_total = flow_total + flow_sum end if count_arg == "reqT" then local req_time_sum = access:get(req_time_key) or 0 reqtime_total = reqtime_total + req_time_sum end if count_arg == "upT" then local up_time_sum = access:get(up_time_key) or 0 upstream_total = upstream_total + up_time_sum end end -- 统计状态码url if count_arg == "statusUrl" and status_log and not (status_log == "") then local iterator, err = ngx.re.gmatch(status_log,".+ ") if not iterator then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "status_log iterator error: ", err) return end for line in iterator do if not line[0] then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "line[0] is nil") return end local iterator, err = ngx.re.gmatch(line[0],"[^ ]+") if not iterator then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "line[0] iterator error: ", err) return end host = get_field(iterator()) url = get_field(iterator()) status_code = get_field(iterator()) if status_code == status_arg then if status_url_t[url] then status_url_t[url] = status_url_t[url] + 1 else status_url_t[url] = 1 end end end end -- 统计upstream time大于0.5秒url if count_arg == "upTUrl" and upt_log and not (upt_log == "") then local iterator, err = ngx.re.gmatch(upt_log,".+ ") if not iterator then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "upt_log iterator error: ", err) return end for line in iterator do if not line[0] then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "line[0] is nil") return end local iterator, err = ngx.re.gmatch(line[0],"[^ ]+") if not iterator then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "line[0] iterator error: ", err) return end host = get_field(iterator()) url = get_field(iterator()) upstream_time = get_field(iterator()) upstream_time = tonumber(upstream_time) or 0 -- 统计各url upstream平均耗时 if host == host_arg then if upstream_url_t[url] then upstream_url_t[url] = upstream_url_t[url] + upstream_time else upstream_url_t[url] = upstream_time end if upstream_url_count_t[url] then upstream_url_count_t[url] = upstream_url_count_t[url] + 1 else upstream_url_count_t[url] = 1 end end end end -- 输出结果 if count_arg == "status" then ngx.print(status_total," ",req_total) elseif count_arg == "flow" then ngx.print(flow_total," ",req_total) elseif count_arg == "reqT" then local reqt_avg = 0 if req_total == 0 then reqt_avg = 0 else reqt_avg = reqtime_total/req_total end ngx.print(reqt_avg," ",req_total) elseif count_arg == "upT" then local upt_avg = 0 if req_total == 0 then upt_avg = 0 else upt_avg = upstream_total/req_total end ngx.print(upt_avg," ",req_total) elseif count_arg == "statusUrl" then if status_total > tonumber(exceed_arg) then -- 排序table status_url_t_key = getKeysSortedByValue(status_url_t, function(a, b) return a > b end) local output_body = "" for i, uri in ipairs(status_url_t_key) do if output_body == "" then output_body = table.concat({uri," ",status_url_t[uri]}) else output_body = table.concat({output_body," ",uri," ",status_url_t[uri]}) end if i >= tonumber(output_arg) then ngx.print(output_body) ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) end end ngx.print(output_body) ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) end elseif count_arg == "upTUrl" then local max_output = 30 local total_time = 0 local total_count = 0 local output_body = "" local i = 0 for url in pairs(upstream_url_t) do i = i + 1 total_time = upstream_url_t[url] total_count = upstream_url_count_t[url] avg_time = upstream_url_t[url] / upstream_url_count_t[url] if avg_time > tonumber(exceed_arg) then output_body = table.concat({url," ",avg_time," ",total_count," ",output_body}) end if i >= max_output then ngx.print(output_body) ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) end end ngx.print(output_body) ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) end
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